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发布时间: 2016-06-19 18:24:03

6. and(并且) Try your best and you'll succeed this time.(succeed是动词,successful是形容词,success是名词) He shook his head and went away.(shook的原型是shake)


7. then(然后) First they only quarreledand then they began to fight.

  Use your brain, and then you'll find a way.


8. or(或者) Hurry upor you'll be late.

  You may do it yourself, or ask someone else to do it.

  He hardly ever goes to the cinema or the theatre.


9. otherwise(否则)

  She was in a hurry that morning. Otherwise she would have stopped to talk with you.

  You'd better take more exercise, otherwise you'll get fat.


10. either or(或者……或者)

  You can come either today or tomorrow. You may either stay here or go with me.






